Hello and Welcome to House of Biewer!

Hi! My name is Melody and I would like to personally welcome you to my site! I have always loved little Yorkies. While searching for a Yorkie, I stumbled across the Biewer, and I was hooked!

I found a loving and responsible Biewer breeder, who was kind enough to honor me with Biewer sisters. These Biewers became my service dogs during a health crisis.  I was comforted by their soft fur, which helped soothe my anxiety.  Their kindness and unconditional love calmed my spirit.  They created an atmosphere that put me on the road to a full recovery. 

My beloved Biewers demonstrated what a good companion they would be to all people. They do well in an apartment for senior living, as well as a big yard to run around.  They are fast as lightning, but only want to be near you.   

Taking note of the biewers love and loyality, I am determined to breed a perfect Biewer, so others may benefit from the beloved beiwer, as I do.

Currently, I have two female Biewers who are champion sired and of a champion bloodline, who exceed the Biewer standard in health and beauty.

I am eager to meet with you and your family in the hopes of introducing you to the newest member of your family!